How To Build a Golf Cart for Off-Roading
May 27, 2021Typically, people think that a golf cart is only suitable to be driven around a golf course, but that’s not necessarily the case. With the right additions and upgrades, you can take golf carts on the road after making them street legal or, if you learn how to build a golf cart for off-roading, you can take it to more extreme conditions. Of course, it will require a few golf cart parts and accessories, but the job can be made relatively simple by knowing where to start.
Start With the Right Base
You’re going to need to begin by purchasing a cart with the right characteristics to handle the rougher terrain of off-roading. Your first instinct might be to get something made out of sturdy material, like steel. But it can be more beneficial to invest in a cart made of aluminum. Unlike steel, aluminum is resistant to corrosion, which is an excellent quality to have when dealing with the outdoors.
Does the Engine Have Enough Power?
The other important aspect you need to look for is the proper engine for the job. Cart engines typically come in two varieties: gas-powered and electric. While electric engines are cleaner and better for the environment, gas-powered carts generally have more power, making them ideal for off-roading conditions.
Switch Out the Stock Tires
The standard tires that can come with your cart were designed to handle the neatly trimmed grass of the fairway, not the rough and tumble terrain of off-roading. All-terrain tires exist for golf carts, and you’re going to need them if you want to maintain traction while out driving. They’re made to be strong and durable to avoid sudden blowouts while out on a trail.
Get a Lift Kit
Much like the tires, your cart’s standard suspension wasn’t meant to handle the demands of off-roading. Going out with the stock suspension can lead to breakages and critical failures; these can quickly result in you injuring yourself and totaling your cart at the same time. Purchase a lift kit to give your cart the extra height needed to clear uneven terrain and the strength to handle the bumps and bounces of the trail.
Show Up Prepared, or Risk Disaster
Taking a basic golf cart anywhere other than a golf course is asking for trouble; make sure you know how to build your golf cart for off-roading to avoid any unnecessary injuries or repairs. A golf cart can be a fragile thing, but it won’t be so easily broken with the right upgrades.