What To Know About Winter Storage for Your Golf Cart

Sadly, wintertime isn’t the ideal season for golf cart owners. You can get rather chilly cruising around the neighborhood in single-digit temperatures. As a result, you must know how to properly store your golf cart in the winter so that it doesn’t sustain damage. Here’s what to know about winter storage for your golf cart if you’re not sure how to begin the process.

Clean It

A previous blog post discussed the importance of cleaning your golf cart. Interestingly enough, the task becomes even more vital during the wintertime, since you won’t be using the vehicle. For starters, remove any corrosion from the battery and wheel so that it runs smoothly when golf season starts again. Also, clean the tires and windshields to prevent dust and debris from accumulating over time.

Choose the Right Location

After you thoroughly clean your ride, you must determine the perfect spot to keep it over the winter. Here are a few tips to keep in mind when choosing a location:

  • Keep the vehicle in a warm area, such as a shed, so that it’s not exposed to the elements.
  • Make sure the area around the cart is clear to prevent something from falling and cracking the windshield.
  • The cart should be facing forward, so it’s easier to pull out when the seasons change.

Give It a Once-Over

The final step for storing your golf cart in the winter is a little more cumbersome than the rest. You should give each part a once-over to ensure everything’s okay before you pack it away. Make sure you unplug the battery wires and turn off the vehicle. Another important step is to put the cart in neutral to prevent any accidents from occurring.

This article has detailed what to know about winter storage for your golf cart. If you don’t follow these steps, you may have to replace parts sooner than expected. Luckily, Golf Cart Stuff is here to help if that happens. We have top-of-the-line golf cart supplies that’ll help your ride appear brand-new. Still, try your hardest to take care of the vehicle even when you aren’t using it. Golf carts are a substantial investment, after all.

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