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Top Ways to Upgrade Your Golf Cart - GOLFCARTSTUFF.COM™

Top Ways to Upgrade Your Golf Cart

Golf carts are so much fun. There’s nothing better than cruising around the neighborhood and making your friends jealous. If you live near a golf course, you can even think about bringing your cart to shoot a few rounds. Since you probably use your cart all the time, it should always look spectacular. Here are the top ways to upgrade your golf cart that’ll give your ride new life.

New Light Kit

You should consider buying a new light kit for your golf cart if you think it needs an upgrade. A new light kit will improve safety and make your vehicle more unique. LED light kits are the way to go because they last longer and are available in multiple colors. So, you can make a statement while you’re cruising around, and you won’t have to replace the lights as often. You’ll be thankful you made the replacement when you go for a nighttime drive.

Durable Tires

Your tires have a profound impact on how your golf cart drives. If your tires are worn out, your cart won’t drive smoothly. In fact, you may experience some jerking motions as you move. If you are always stopping and going every time you drive the vehicle, you should consider replacing the tires. New, durable tires will transform your golf cart. Every ride will be smooth, and your cart will look amazing.

On that note, do you know which Golf Cart Parts get replaced the most often?

Additional Seating

Everyone wants their friends to enjoy their golf carts with them. If this idea seems appealing to you, you should consider adding more seating to your golf cart. Not only will more people be able to hitch a ride, but your cart will also look more stylish. You can reupholster the seats with different fabrics to add more flair. Perhaps talk to some other golf cart owners to get their opinions on which styles would look best. Also, remember that comfort is key. Try your hardest to purchase plush seating that everyone can pop a squat on.

Fresh Coat of Paint

You can also have a professional slap a fresh coat of paint on your golf cart to make it look brand new. Golf carts often get scratched or dirty; this is unavoidable. However, there’s no reason these markings have to remain permanent. You can get rid of any scuffs by consulting an expert painter to take on the job. You can transform your golf cart and personalize the color scheme to your liking.

You should follow these top ways to upgrade your golf cart if your vehicle has seen better days. Let Golf Cart Stuff help you through the restoration process. We have top-grade golf cart parts and accessories that’ll help your ride look brand new. If you make these changes, your neighbors will be jealous every time you take the vehicle out for a spin.

Safe Travels and Happy Upgrading!

Before you leave, take a look at this similar article where we discuss 2022's Top 10 Golf Cart Upgrades

Previous article How To Install A Golf Cart Voltage Reducer

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